
About the Challenge

The challenge originally started as a way to land Benjamin Spak a job within a year of getting serious about programming — it worked — but it quickly evolved into much more, as a community sprung up around the #301DaysofCode hashtag on Twitter.

1 Tweet your progress using the #301DaysOfCode hashtag, everyday you code. Do your best to code every day, so you are forming a habit.

2 Did you know that you are more likely to stick with a habit if you keep the barrier to entry low?

Just like with physical exercise we are not trying to max ourselves out every day.

Start small with 3 minutes & 1 second. If you only did that; great!

If you want to do longer for that day, it’s highly encouraged for your success 😉

GitHub & Command Line Basics


Explainer Video

Challenge Guidelines

“Rules” is such an ugly word. We prefer “guidelines”.

“In other words, rules must be followed, and there will be a negative consequence associated with noncompliance. Guidelines are recommended best practices that aim to set standards in the future” src

3 During the next 365 days; spend 301 days learning to code.

What you learn is your preference. However, with limited time, it is recommended to choose one career path & one skill set.

A few popular options are front-end developer, back-end developer and UX/UI Designer.

The remaining 64 days focus on landing a developer job – CodeCareer.org can help.

4 Research, Plan, Ask. Before running a marathon you will need to train.

A long programming challenge is only slightly different – mental vs physical strain.

Put first things first. Ask good questions. Then, seek answers.

We put together a quick new developer survey if you need a starting point.



Discord Community

Tips for Success

Doing everything alone is a sure fire way to get burnt out.

5 Giving encouragement & expressing gratitude is often a solid strategy for happiness and fulfillment – Google it.

Encourage others using the #301DaysOfCode, #100DaysOfCode & #CodeNewbie on social media.

You can find #301DaysOfCode on most popular networks, such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube.

Also, share resources you find helpful or code memes you find funny.

It is a great way to make friends & build your personal brand.

6 Tag up with others & collaborate on projects. No one person can be great at everything.

As mentioned before, the three most popular paths we see are front-end, back-end & design.

For example: you are an aspiring designer who likes designing user interfaces.

Have a project in mind?

Reach out to up and coming front-end & back-end developers to help make your designs interactive.



Discord Community

Get Started

Fork this GitHub Repository

Post your challenge pledge tweet.